Saturday 24 July 2010

Stockholm is SOOO last weekend!

Stockholm is a great city and I recommend anyone go there if the chance arises. This is another trip thats better told in pictures, so here they go!

I took a night train for the first time, VERY Harry Potter! (going to see that in London when it comes out by the way, awesome 22nd birthday I think!)

Here is the room, I couldn't get a better picture cause its really small! But there are six beds, and there was only two of us, which is awesome cause it got damn hot! (I think that it had to do with the train car being several decades old!)

I guess to make up for the hotness!! :0 they had a bunch of tiny boxes filled with water, strange...
My bunk, complete with safety net!

I couch surfed for the first time, and here is the couch, it was in a nice Swedish guys apartment, very small but in a great part of town.

I checked out a Swedish war history museum, it was really cool. Outside they had all of these cannons, which are hundreds of years old. I guess they are war trophies that the Swedish had won over the years. And from that great history class, they are Bronze, which is why they are green now, and they are really expensive, which is why they are displayed as trophies and not iron cannons. The More You Know!

Inside they had a bunch of guns which people might recognize, and the famous people who used em, neat!

And while they didn't have a caption on this gun, I'm sure that everyone knows this is the gun used by all of the Stargate teams! Including the most famous, SG1!

The City Hall of Stockholm is where they give out the Nobel prizes (except for peace, that is given out in Oslo, and the Swedish hate the Norwegian for giving one to Obama, they feel he didn't deserve it and that it has reduced the value and prestige of all Nobel prizes, which may or may not be true, but come on, really)

The wall in the city hall chamber, reminds you of some game.... which was invented for 70 years later...

This is the city hall chamber, with the Tetris walls. The architecture of this room is bad ass, the ceiling is supposed to represent both an upside down viking ship and an old viking hall underneath the night sky!

Probably the coolest thing in Stockholm is the Vasa war Galleon, which sank a full 20 minutes after it was finished in 1627. They raised it up in the the 60s, and put it in an old dry dock and built a museum around it. Its gigantic and is 95% original, and has been restored fully. Its very impressive! I could have put up dozens of pictures of it, but I didn't...

Ahhhhhh!!! Dead people! Ya, unfortunately, the ship wasn't empty when it sunk.
(PS, the new walking dead tv show is going to be sweet, see, even Olaf here is smiling!)

And i guess they felt that the governator was appropriate to put in the Vasa museum too, ya ok....

And the classic lunch in Sweden, Swedish meatballs and potatoes with gravy and that weird berry jam you get from IKEA, but much better!

I don't know who this statue is of, but some Swedish person decided to fit that lady with a pig mask. And believe me, that mask is larger than life and very good quality, more than just paper mache, someone went through a lot of trouble to do that, which is awesome!

This is a chest that used to hold the royal jewels and stuff. Its cool cause its 300 years old and has a really intricate spring loaded locking mechanism. I really hope you enjoy this picture, cause I got in shit for taking it. No cameras in the treasury, Opps! I bet I was the only person they stopped taking pictures of the empty chest, when there is treasure everywhere else!

This is the Swedish Kroner, 8-1 for Canadian dollars, and its even worse than the Norwegian Kroner. Just look at those different shapes, and yes, the 50 is almost a square!

The changing of the guard is a HUGE tourist attraction, something I failed to remember, and got suck in a huge crowd with a bike... but the marching soldiers and marching band were pretty cool. It was in an enclosed hemispherical space behind the Palace and the music echoed off the stone buildings a couple times so it sounded really cool.

Some guards marching around the palace.

This is the Royal palace, its huge and doesn't look like much from the outside, but the inside is pretty spectacular, but pics aren't allowed :(

Here is the great result of globalization. The first advertisement I see in Stockholm is how many Mcdonalds there are in the historic center, how depressing.

So, hope you enjoyed this post, sorry for the delay, my research is getting good, and I am still rather lazy.....

But my 14 hour bus ride to the airport leaves in a couple hours. I still haven't packed. Where are you going, you ask...

PARIS for 10 days!!!

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