Wednesday 16 June 2010

More Aluminum Recycling!

The aluminum recycling conference has come and gone, I definitley learned a lot and got some good networking done.... Job potential me thinks!

I have no idea why that was underlined (gotta work on getting my own blog software... later project)

Anyways, so the conference was based out of a historical hotel, like most things in Trondheim, it is way older than 100 years old, but has been renovated and repaired, due to the large number of fires in the past.

We had breakfast and lunch in the hotel, and heres the impressive dinning room, complete with live piano music and fountain! and excellent food too!

Monday night after dinner at the history of music museum, which was awesome. It was in an old estate house turned museum in the 50's, some rich Russian lady founded it. It has themed rooms and lots of instruments and things, but the best part was definitely our guide. He was this skinny guy with a pony tail, and his accent wasn't quite British, just a hint. It had a flavor of snob, but he was also very delicate and careful when he spoke, but gave off the subtle feeling that he would murder us all in the next room as he gently ushered us it, calling us 'dear guests', I'll have to do the impression the next time I see you, just remind me. I don't have pics cause they weren't allowed, hog wash!

O that was a tangent, so after dinner, I guess I was seated next to the partakers at the conference. The three of us, and my boss, (mother of 4 by the way) proceeded to shut down the museum bar, the hotel bar, the bar and grill next door, and ended up across the street at 'Frakken Bar', which is a piano bar, pretty Frakken cool if you ask me (Ha!)

I was gifted the whole night with free drinks(the aluminum recyclers were way too generous) and a piano player who also happened to be Canadian so he played whatever I wanted. Long story short, found out Norwegian bars close at 330, late night bike rides are fun, and that getting up at 7 for a conference the next morning was not fun!

But I did get something good out of it, other than knowledge of course. The world's purest aluminum is made in Norway in a town called Vigeland, and is known as Vigeland metal, rated at >99.99% Al. Anyways, I got kilos of it! Fo Free!

Another great development, I got some free curtains from another student, and now my room is dark enough that I may be getting some sleep!

And as a reward for reading my blog, I have some candy for my fellow MatE's! The back side of the Vigeland metal is full of dendrites! Big ones! There centimeters long, and 3D even! I've a picture of them.

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