Monday 7 June 2010

Weekend Number 2: Part one

Wow, I turn around for 2 seconds and I've got followers and some comments, awesome!

For my second weekend I did some of the tourist site seeing I felt I was obliged to do.

I decided to check out the old fort they have at the top of a hill near the center of town. On my way I found 'The World's Only Bike Lift'. Yah it's an escalator type thing for people riding a bike. You put your foot on an accerator pistion which is located in that box thing on the ground, which shoots out a foot pedal that will take you up the hill at 3m/s. Apparently its really popular, but its been around since '97 and some of the locals had never seen it before...
I made it to the fort, its on the top of a hill as I said, and I guess it used to be important, but my boss told me that the town kinda thinks that it is a bit of a joke, as its cannons couldn't reach the water. I guess in the old days you had to attack people at their fort if you wanted to take them over, gentlemanly warfare I suppose... Instead of just blocking them off and letting them starve.
And I went up to the third floor, not much headroom, and I imagine that the cannons would make all the soldiers go deaf.
Still got the vintage cannons in place, which were still movable and swingable, (don't know how I know that...)
Outside they had some cool passages and walls, which overlapped, and by their construction style you could tell which ones were made before or after, and the differing build quality.
And right as I was about to leave, they fired off a cannon to welcome a marching band into the fort, cause I guess they were having a festival that I was unaware of, lucky me :)
There were also some people dressed up in old style wool outfits, which would have been really hot in the sun. A guy smoking a cigar was making old school lead bullets, and all the little children were very interested in the big pot of molten lead...
A wind orchestra started playing after the marching band. These two characters showed up to watch, and film in the top hat's case the orchestra.
To top it all off, they brought out all the seniors with their muskets, there in the back, standing in a row, to fire off their muskets to Tchaikovsky's 1812 overture, which was pretty cool, definitely loud.
However... as a little history lesson to the unreliability of muskets, several of them went off a little late, like in the guys hand when he was trying to figure out why it didn't work the first time. Haha, he scared the crap out of himself!

End of part one...

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